
The LUE data model organizes all information related to one or multiple collections of objects in a unified manner, in a single dataset. All information represented using the data model is organized in a hierarchical fashion. After the next overview, the elements of the data model are described in more detail.

digraph conceptual_data_model { graph [ fontname="Arial" fontsize=14 margin=0.1 nodesep=0.1 ranksep=0.2 bgcolor="transparent" ] node [ fontname="Arial" fontsize=12 width=0.1 height=0.1 fontcolor="white" shape="oval" style="filled" ] edge [ fontname="Arial" fontsize=14 arrowsize=0.6 arrowhead=vee ] phenomenon [ label="phenomenon" fillcolor="#b48ead" ] property_set [ label="property-set" fillcolor="#bf616a" ] property [ label="property" fillcolor="#a3be8c" ] time_domain [ label="time domain" fillcolor="#5e81ac" ] space_domain [ label="space domain" fillcolor="#5e81ac" ] phenomenon -> property_set [ label="*" ] property_set -> time_domain [ label="?" ] property_set -> space_domain [ label="?" ] property_set -> property [ label="*" ] }

At the top of the LUE data model the phenomena are located. These are collections of objects of the same kind. Objects can represent abstract things, like economies, or very concrete things, like birds. Whatever makes sense in a certain context. Within a phenomenon all information related to the objects is aggregated into property-sets. Property-sets aggregate information about objects that share the same time domain and space domain. In the time domain, information is stored about when something was or is, whereas in the space domain, information is store about where something was or is. Often, information about when and where something is differs, depending on the kind of information. For example, the sex of animals does not change through time and space, but the weight does. In the data model, such information is stored in different properties, and properties sharing a time and space domain are aggregated into property-sets.



Time domain

Space domain
