
Assign a unique ID to each zone in the array passed in, whatever the current ID of that zone. Zones in the input array that have the same ID (belong to the same zone) will have different IDs in the result of clump.

result = clump(zone, connectivity)

The connectivity argument determines whether cells touching each other by the corners (diagonal connectivity) are considered connected to each other. Otherwise only cells that share a border (nondiagonal) are considered connected to each other.

The algorithm has three main steps:

  1. Solve the clump locally, for each partition (concurrent, on worker localities)

  2. Create reclass table per partition, for translating local clump IDs determined in the first step to global clump IDs (serial, on root locality)

  3. Reclass local clump IDs to global clump IDs, for each partition, using reclass tables determined in second step (concurrent, on worker localities)

The first two steps make use of the flood fill algorithm.

Solve clump locally#

For each input zone partition, once this partition is available, a task is created that solves the clump algorithm for that partition, on the locality the partition is located in.

The task iterates over all cells for which no clump ID has been determined yet and calls the flood fill algorithm to start filling cells that belong to the same clump as the current cell’s zone. After this step, the local clump result is available. This result is stored in a new partition that will eventually be returned as the global result.

The task returns an object containing enough information for the next algorithmic step to continue:

  • The partition component client of the clump result

  • For each partition border (north, east, south, west) the input zone IDs and the local clump IDs just determined

  • Lookup table for mapping local clump IDs to global clump IDs. At this point, this lookup table is still empty.

The caller receives a future to the result object. At the call site these are aggregated into an array with per element a future to a result object.

Create reclass tables#

Once all result objects returned by the previous step are ready to be used, a task is created that fills the lookup table in each result object by the final version needed for the third and final step.

First the lookup table is initialized for the result object of each partition in turn, passing in the number of clump IDs seen so far. This will make all global clump IDs in all result objects globally unique. The problem left to solve is that clumps identified in multiple partitions may actually belong to the same clump. Even clumps identified in the same partition may actually belong to the same clump.

For this, we use two collections: one for storing current set of global clump IDs from different partitions that share the same final clump (global_clump_ids) and one for mapping the partition index and a local clump element to the index in global_clump_ids containing the collection of global clump IDs (global_clump_ids_by_local_clump_id).

All zone IDs for cells that border a partition and that are not part of the outer border of the array must be passed into the flood fill algorithm, along with zone IDs for cells at the other side of the partition border. After each call to flood fill, clumps that extend over the partition border must be identified and handled: for each participating partition the global clump ID must be added to global_clump_ids and its location to global_clump_ids_by_local_clump_id. Since cells from the same zone in a partition may have been assigned a different clump ID in the first algorithmic step, we need to explicitly iterate over all cells that belong to the clump result just obtained.

As said, different local clumps identified in the first algorithmic step can actually belong to the same global clump. This can be the case for clumps identified within a single partition. There may be a local clump in a neighbouring partition that, once merged, connects these different local clumps into a single global clump. Some of these connections can only be identified once we have analyzed all border cells of all partitions. Two local clumps in the same partition may be connected by a path through multiple neighbouring partitions. Before we can continue we must update global_clump_ids and global_clump_ids_by_local_clump_id for this specific case. For this we must compare all global clump IDs in global_clump_ids with each other and merge the ones that intersect with each other. Global clump ID collections that intersect are part of the same global clump.


This is actually the most expensive step of the whole algorithm and it executes on the root locality. Can we get rid of it?

Once done global_clump_ids and global_clump_ids_by_local_clump_id contain all information needed to update global clump IDs for local clumps that extend over partition borders.

For this, we iterate over all keys in the global_clump_ids_by_local_clump_id map and replace the associated global clump ID stored in the result object with the lowest global clump ID of the set of global clump IDs that must be merged. The total number of global clumps will decrease by this step and the range of clump IDs will not be consecutive anymore.

The caller receives a future to an array with updated lookup tables in the original result objects.

Reclass to global IDs#

Once all result objects updated in the previous step are ready, a new task is created for each partition, passing in the partition client object for the clump result and the lookup table for mapping local clump IDs to global clump IDs. Each of these tasks executes independently, in the locality containing the partition.

The caller receives the array with global clump result partitions that will be ready once all the previous steps have finished.

Flood fill#

Inspired by the “final, combined-scan-and-fill span filler algorithm described on Wikipedia.