Trace framework code

Trace framework code#

Tracing framework code allows you to gain insights into what happens at runtime when LUE performs work. This can help when optimizing the code.

Here is a quick list of the steps:

  1. Configure an HPX build to use APEX, e.g.:


    See also CMakeHPXPresets which contains a hpx_relwithdebinfo_configuration section inherited by CMake presets for building a suitable HPX version for tracing.

  2. Add annotations to your code, using lue::AnnotateFunction. For an example, see clump.hpp

  3. Request APEX to dump trace information, by setting one or more environment variables or using the apex_exec program:

  4. If it works, dumping trace info in a format that is importable by Perfetto can be especially useful ( It doesn’t always seem to work, though.

See also: